Easter. A time of remembering the great plan of redemption, the unconditional love of God to men, and of a Saviour, who lived to die, and his victory over death. ICF had its annual Easter Camp with Palmerston North OCF at Te Tikanga Marae in Fielding this year. There were lots of new faces from PN, people I've never met before. There were about 70+ people who attended the camp, and on Saturday the MUCFers joined us for a while. Sadly I didn't get to meet everyone of them. Hopefully there will be other opportunities to meet again.I don't usually post photos in this blog. They say pictures paint a thousand words, but I usually feel words paint just as fine. One cannot capture emotions in a photo, nor can one successfully paint emotions on a canvas. No one knows how love looks like. On the other hand, this is not really a heart-pouring-emotional-turmoil post, as a regular reader of this blog will know that such posts are common in Delicious Ambiguity. This is about Easter Camp 2007, and it was a real good camp. Kudos and lots of hugs to Elaine from Wellington's side!! The camp was a success! *clap clap* *hugs*
Living in Te Tikanga Marae...
...and each group had their own chants (...seven by seven..hurrah! hurrah!)
..and their own mascots.. (the PINK SPARTAN)
..and in games we foster the spirit of teamwork...
..coupled with lots of good food... (wasabe sandwich.. yummm..)
..a time to regenerate old friendships.. (Ching Wen)
..and bond with friends from Wellington.. (Preet)
..and make new friends... (Audrey)
...and also to remember where I came from.. (Jacinta, a fellow Chinese-Kadazan, the only one I've met since I came here!)
During camp there was this certain person who tried to imitate the Von Trapps and did an impromptu song and dance with her teammates. It wasn't so bad when she was doing it. The singing, dancing and butt-shaking and clapping was all done in fun, and she thought it was fun. That was until when she was in Leesha's car, reminiscing about Easter Camp, that the horror of humiliation finally sank in. Man... I hope nobody will remember what she did.
Happy Easter everybody! I still have two large chocolate Easter eggs and two small bottles of Smarties. Yumyum =)